The Wind Shall Come to all Nations

Ever since I was a child, the wind has always healed me. When I was younger and feeling hurt or unsafe, I would go to a group of trees near my home. Climbing one I would hold on while the wind blew the tree back and forth. I swayed with the tree. We held each other. After a time I would feel better and return to my house. Years late as I was driving to work, a swoosh of wind poured down my head and face. I heard these words: the wind shall come to all nations. I learned that the ancestors shared this message with me. It was a part of my life path purpose. The wind represents healing. Our ancestors know: healing will come to people of all nations who seek it. We have to open to the language of the heart. We have to listen to the whispers of universal love.

Dragonfly: Winds of Change

Reiki Healing Sessions

Life Path Consulting

Dreaming Medicine

Earth Medicine Wisdom

Reiki Treatments

Reiki is a complimentary healing modality that provides many benefits for people who have suffered from trauma. It is even beneficial for many cases where the trauma occurred years prior.  Reiki is universal healing energy that assists in healing the body, spirit, emotional and mental pain in a gentle loving way. Reiki can provide comfort and healing for these symptoms listed and overall well being for the prevention of burn- out.

Life Path Consulting

I offer Life Path Readings initially to look at the overall view of the lesson you are going through. Our growth may be comprised of emotional, mental, physical and spiritual lessons. Our healing journey allows us to release old patterns, beliefs or suffering as we start a new beginning. We may have stirrings in our heart, mind, or spirit, or discomfort that signals a new cycle of growth.

Earth Medicine Wisdom

Earth Wisdom is always available to us on our journey. Stones have stories and teachings to help us when we have questions. A leaf falling from a tree tells us to let our worry go and allow the answer to come in. The wolf teaches us to be new pathfinders and we may be ready to find a new path to our dreams or goals.