A Healing Journey

Thoughts, dreams, discovery and healing.


My spirit was awakened and

I had a series of dreams and waking visions I didn’t understand; only knowing that they were telling me something important. To this day I can see them clearly.

My ancestors were coming to me in dreams, sharing my (medicine names and soul purpose.) I met a mentor and spiritual teacher later who interpreted my dreams and messages from my ancestors. I was given 3 medicine names, Riverwind, the sweetest wind the ancestors blow across the river, Silver Dreamcatcher, bringing community together and She Who Carries the Cradleboard, helping women heal for the next generations. I started my healing journey, committed to learning and understanding women’s ways of healing. The first step was to do a women’s healing quest. Three days and nights on the mountain, prayers for my personal healing using the 4 directions, Father Sky and Mother Earth. This happened so quickly I only had several months to prepare. Little did I know I would be going back to the womb in my healing journey. My healing journey started with the grief of my ancestors and I know without a doubt that we carry all of the experiences of our ancestors in our DNA. When your knowing wisdom reveals itself and you have no idea where it came from regardless of age, it’s from your ancestors lineage. Honoring our ancestors is a very real and relevant way of life. A part of that honor is healing the woundedness, suffering and pain so it isn’t carried on with future generations.

Mother Earth Connections

In the beginning of July this past summer I was sitting on my back deck looking across the water and noticed in the sky large clouds forming into recognizable shapes. There were two large turtles with a mouse in between them. I was amazed at the sight. They disappeared and 5 minutes later 2 turtles appeared. I was blown away. Turtle represents Mother Earth to me and I knew that I was being given a message again. A reminder of a message from my Ancestors the previous year. They asked me to share messages from Mother Earth and to remind people to connect to her through grounding and listening to her messages. So I started making videos from her inspired messages to share. She is calling to us to heal ourselves so we can raise our vibrations as she has been increasing her vibration. I didn’t know exactly how to share so I just made short videos on Instagram to start. I know now that I will be sharing other videos with her guidance and messages. So the following months after my first sighting of cloud turtles they have continued to show up in various forms and they are still showing up. I will honor my Ancestors request the best I can given I am not a tech savvy person. lol


On my healing journey I’ve discovered that it is a process of great learning about my family of origin, patterns, cycles and beliefs gathered along the way. I have had many magical, spiritual and profound grief experiences at times on my healing path. One thing I learned was to identify times of initiation to other levels of growth. Struggling to let something go was the first clue of initiation. I went through some mental and emotional agony to a point of having to surrender and open to the signs all around me. Then I would see signs from nature like a bat, whose medicine teaches us about rebirth. If bat showed up I knew my ancestors where around me to guide me through the darkness to the light of illumination, surrender and growth. Sometimes the initiation is letting go of a loved one, to allow them the honor of learning their own lessons to empower themselves. This has been one of my hardest lessons as a mother and yet one of the most blessed for the soul growth needed. The past two years have been lessons on letting go of everything no longer needed in my life, ancestral lineage trauma and in particular the lesson of rejection. Rejection can be one of the most difficult human experiences. It leaves a space in our lives that when we don’t consciously acknowledge it, this space can get filled with old patterns from the past that may not be in our best and highest good. It can have threads to other experiences of rejection from our past for example the loss of life of one of our soul family members. If we ignore the healing of this wound we may fill it with temporary forms of escapism to the detriment of our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health. I continue to remind myself that I chose this human journey to provide growth to my soul, the essence of who I am.